Create Your Own Retro Games With a Few Steps Using GPT 4o

Open AI has recently introduced its latest flagship GPT model, GPT-4o (ChatGPT-4 Omni), which has GPT 4 level intelligence with enhanced speed and provides more accurate answers to most queries. It is available for free with limited capabilities to all ChatGPT users.

Breakout retro game created with GPT 4o model

You can use the code-generation capabilities of ChatGPT GPT-4o model to create classic retro games without any coding knowledge. In this guide, I’ll describe a step-by-step guide to create the class Breakout game for your PC. All you need to have GPT-4o access, Python and Notepad++ apps installed on your PC.

Breakout is an arcade video game created in nineties. In this game, a layer of bricks lines the top third of the screen and the goal is to destroy them all by repeatedly bouncing a ball off a paddle into them. Here is how to create your own Breakout game using GPT-4o model.

How to Create Breakout Retro Game Using GPT 4o?

1. First, download the Python setup file (link) and launch it.

2. Enable the option “add Python.exe to Path’ and Click Install Now button to install it on your PC.

Install Python on Windows PC

3. Next, download the Notepad++ app (link) and install it on your PC.

4. Now, go to the Python installation directory, type CMD in the address bar, and press Enter to launch the Command prompt.

5. Now type the below command to install a game module: pip install pygame

Create retro games using Python and GPT 4o

6. Next step is go to the ChatGPT 4o website and sign in to your account.

7. Now, enter the query ‘Create the Breakout Game in Python‘ in the message box and press Enter.

Create Breakout game using PGT 4o-1

8. Next, instruct ChatGPT to ‘Add a Replay Function’.

Create Breakout game using GPT 4o-2

9. Finally, ask it to ‘Add a Score metric

Create Breakout game using GPT 4o-3

How to Create Breakout Game Using the GPT 4o Generated Code?

1. Once the GPT 4o generated the game, copy the Python code.

2. Open the Notepad++ app, click the File tab and select New.

3. Paste the Python code you have copied.

4. Now, select Save As and change Save as to All Types. Name the file and save it inside the Python installation directory.

Create your own Breakout game using GPT 4o

5. Now, double click the to start playing the game.

Breakout game using GPT 4o

You can drag and drop the shortcut to your desktop (Windows 11) to quickly start playing the game. Enjoy! That is all how to create your own game using using the new ChatGPT 4o model.